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Biographical Note: Sarah Bartlett is the author of many mainstream spiritual books, including the best-selling Tarot Bible and The Little Book of Practical Magic. An astrologer for women's magazines such as UK Cosmopolitan, She, Spirit and Destiny, and the London Evening Standard, Sarah also contributes to BBC Radio 2 show, Steve Wright in the Afternoon. She teaches and practices astrology, tarot and other occult arts, and lives in the countryside. Review Quotes: "A throughly 'user friendly' and comprehensive instructional guide and manual that is an ideal and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Metaphysical Studies collections."-- Midwest Book Review Review Quotes: "Harnessing the secret power of enchanted knots, you can quickly make magic work for you, whether to enchant new love into your life, change your fortune or manifest your dreams. This unique collection includes all-powerful witches' ladders and "unknotting" charms which banish all forms of negativity."-- Watkins Mind Body Spirit |