The Facts: Marie Laveau was a free woman of color born in the French Quarter of New Orleans. She combined Voodoo beliefs and Catholic traditions to make voodoo more acceptable to upper-class New Orleans society. Some scholars believe her feared magical powers of divination were based on her network of informants.
My Fictions: Sitting atop her balcony, Marie Catherine Laveau watched with wry satisfaction as the flames of retribution licked against the night sky. With an experienced eye she had seen this moment coming for some time now and, sipping her Vanilla Bourbon Flavored coffee in contentment, felt that karmic justice was being served. As a veteran of many battles, both figurative and literal, she knew that enemies were something that could never be extinguished completely; but here, tonight, watching them burn, it seemed they could at least be contained.
• Made in United States • Ingredients: Coffee Beans, Natural and Artificial Flavor